Why This Newsletter?
Wiley Rein lawyers and consultants are experts on many substantive areas of law and regulation in which product stewardship and sustainability principles play a central role—to name just a few, consumer product and transportation safety; battery, electronic waste and other hazardous materials recycling; pesticide registration; food safety protection; and pharmaceutical regulation. We increasingly see issues that have long arisen in one of these arenas popping up in others, and a variety of overlaps and interactions between them. Our goal with this newsletter is to provide our clients and friends with the benefits of these insights.
Please do not hesitate to contact the individuals identified in each of this issue's articles or any of the Product Stewardship professionals about any product stewardship or sustainability topic, whether it is covered in this month's newsletter or not.
For more information, please contact David B. Weinberg at 202.719.7102 or dweinberg@wiley.law.